All these clubs operate with little or no oversight from the faculty or administration and are an example of caltech's long tradition of student self governance.Many aspects of this self -governance have been alluded to elsewhere in this essay,and it is an integral part of student life at Caltech .Student government bodies decide who lives in the dorms,discipline students in cases of cheating ,fund the majority of student activities ,and choose representatives that help read admissions applications.
Student government is centered around a nonprofit organization known as the Associated Students of caltech (ASCIT), Inc.Completely indipendent of the Institute,ASCIT publishes the student newspaper, year book,and literary magazine,ASCIT is also in charge of administering the Honor System;suspected cases of cheating are investigated and adjudicated by the Board of Control,a committee of twelve students.Student representatives,along with faculty members ,also sit on the Conduct Review Committee,which rules on disciplinary matters for undergraduates.Those students are just a few of the more than sixty students representatives on various Caltech committee that review academic policies,set the dinner menu ,make admissions decisions,award merit scholarships,and determine academic ineligibility,to name a few examples .Caltech students are allowed to participate in almost every administrative decision that affects students life,which is a rare privilege in the present-day big business of higher education.
All these clubs operate with little or no oversight from the faculty or administration and are an example of caltech's long tradition of student self governance.Many aspects of this self -governance have been alluded to elsewhere in this essay,and it is an integral part of student life at Caltech .Student government bodies decide who lives in the dorms,discipline students in cases of cheating ,fund the majority of student activities ,and choose representatives that help read admissions applications.

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