Again and again, Barnard students and alumnae praise their academic experiences at the
Faculty members are great.They provide so much encouragement,are more than willing to provide a recommendation or just some encouragement and ideas.One history professor even helped me get first real apartment!
This kind of testimonial is available from virtually every Barnard student.Their close and productive relationships with the highly acclaimed Barnard faculty make Barnard a singular institution.Barnard students frequently collaborate with faculty as research assistants,so it is not unusual to hear a senior describe her work with an anthropology professor, or a junior discuss her experiences in the biology laboratory .Not long ago,a Barnard first-year student was asked to spend a semester as an astronomy station on .Nantucket Island,where the other participants in the program were all graduate students.
During their first two years,Barnard students receive counseling from members of the faculty and the Dean of Studies Office.
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